Alamgir Welfare Trust is the pioneer when it comes to Sadqa Bakra Service. Before this, the tradition to slaughtering an animal for sadqa was common, However none of the welfare organization was providing this service. AWT is the one which gave expansion to this trend and after this every welfare organization started following this trend which is commendable that we are being followed in the welfare activities. By Sadqa Bakra Service, fine animals are available to you in reasonable prices.Through a call or a visit, within a short span of time you can have your animal slaughtered. The meat obtained by these animals is then served as an unimaginable blessing to the poors, and white collar preople. Those who could not even imagine of meat, gets the blessing to eat meat because of this innovative service and your sympathy. This will not only help you in the life here after but also it will calm and soothe you.

Rates of Sadaqa Bakra Animals (Exclusive for Foreign Donors)
Kind Rates/unit-Through credit cards
Sadqa Bakra Rs.5,500
Sadqa Cow Rs.41,442.19
Sadqa Cow (Part) Rs.5,921.05
Sadqa Chicken Rs.414.42
Local/Domestic Donors: please confirm  latest rates by calling 021-111-153-153(Karachi ) or 051-111-153-153 (Islamabad)
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